The (wo)menopause
By Rita – written in a moment of ‘menopausal madness’
There is a thing called the menopause,
For many of our problems it is the cause.
Why it is named after ‘men’ I’ll never know,
They’ve certainly got nothing to show for it.
Suddenly on your chin a couple of hairs,
Now those I reckon should have been theirs.
Your spreading hips, they give you the pips,
And the red hot f lushes, where the sweat actually gushes.
Your skin it sags, boy what a drag,
Then to your dismay, the hair turns grey.
You look in the mirror, don’t like what you see,
Lines around the eyes…is it really me?,
You just don’t feel quite as you should,
Of course you’d change it…if only you could.
But there is no need to worry, it’s only a guise,
At the end of it all there’s a lovely surprise.
You will wake one morning and find a new you,
There will be a feeling, ‘I’ve made it through’.
Having attained a confidence you have had before,
You are about to open a new door.
Yes, there is still so, so much more of life to be had,
You know, (wo)menopause, really, wasn’t that bad!
Please note: stories are of a personal nature written by individuals experiencing menopasue and with their express permission. The Foundation takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content, or any of the actions, experiences or concepts described by the writer; nor does it necessarily endorse or recommend any of the treatments, products or services that may be referred to. If you are concerned about your health in any way it is advisable that you speak to a health practitioner.
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