Sun. May 19th, 2024

Month: June 2015

Treatment Resistant Depression

Beth is depressed. Clinically depressed and depressed about being depressed. She’s one of millions of people who have not responded to the magic of antidepressants. She’s been there and back…

One Step at a Time

Recently, I was reading Nickelodeon Magazine with my second-grade son and cringed when one of the articles mentioned “going to the loony bin.” When he asked me what this meant,…

Why Do Women Get Depressed?

As noted in an earlier article, women have a far greater chance of becoming depressed than men. Why? That’s the $2 million question. If that were answered, a lot more…

Depression in Children

You believe that your daughter is suffering from depression. Her erratic behavior is more than the normal ups and downs of a teenager. What can you do? First and foremost,…

Teenage Depression

Puberty can be an emotional roller coaster. Just ask any parent who’s had the pleasure, and sometimes the pain, of rearing an adolescent. Or, just think back to when you…

Childhood Depression

During May, Mental Health Month, many national and regional mental health and advocacy organizations are focusing on areas that are of particular importance to the general public. One of these…

Women’s Depression

Depression: It’s a painful, frightening disease that affects women in all walks of life. One of the most helpful treatments for improvement is knowing that you are not alone. I…

Uterus Tumors

Uterine Fibroids Uterine fibroids, masses of muscle and connective tissue that are stimulated by estrogen, occur in some 20 to 50 percent of women between the ages of 30 and…